Sunday, September 11, 2011

The stillest of days

It's Sept. 11, ten years to the day after we were attacked. After our world was turned upside down. Hard to believe it's been so long. So much has happened since. So much in life has changed.

This morning Bruiser and I were out for a walk. I was struck by the stillness and of how beautiful a day it is. Just like that day a decade ago. Just like it.

As I ironed my shirt for work that morning, I noticed how everything outside was bathed in a bright lemon light. Fresh early morning air came in through the open bedroom window. Until I turned on the radio, the only sound outside my window came from the happy little birds chirping in the low hanging branches. I was happy. It seemed like the most perfect day of the year.

How ironic.

This morning was as perfect as that morning was. Walking with Bruiser, I noted the only sound to be heard - besides the birds, was the sound of an airplane flying far off in the distance. It was eerie.

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