Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday morning chatter

Rummaging through the GOP clown car... In "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Newt Gingrich," Bob Cesca reminds us in painful detail why the disgraced former Speaker of the House would be nothing short of a disaster as the GOP's nominee.

The Herman Cain Art Project goes dark... After totally pooching an easy question about U.S. foreign policy toward Libya on Monday in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Herman Cain's campaign has decided it's better to be seen than heard. Who can blame them? Add his clueless response to the Libya question to the list of his other blunders (the Right of Return, Uz beki beki beki...) and what it adds up to is a whole lot of stupid. Cain was scheduled to sit down with New Hampshire's influential Union Leader newspaper today for an interview but cancelled. According to AP reporter Steve Poeples, it was due to a disagreement over timing. Sure, sure. This morning, Michael Calderone at Huffington Post reported the Cain campaign requested the hour-long interview be cut to 20 minutes and that no cameras/video be allowed. It sounds like the newspaper balked at his request. After all, it takes Cain 20 minutes, alone, to figure out what country it is his questioners are talking about.

Occupy Wall Street marks its two-month anniversary... Mayor Boss Hogg Bloomberg may have had Zucotti Park cleared, but the movement is alive and well, celebrating its two-month anniversary with a day of protest around New York's financial district. Similar events are also scheduled for today around the country. Ah, beautiful chaos...

From the You Gotta Be Kidding Me department... In some weird, desperate gambit, debate Gaffe Master Rick Perry challenged House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to a public debate on Monday. Ba ha ha ha. At her news conference this morning she responded to the request mockingly, He did ask if I could debate here in Washington on Monday — it is my understanding that such a letter has come in. Monday, Im going to be in Portland in the morning, visiting some of our labs in California in the afternoon, thats two … I cant remember what the third thing is." Classic!

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