Wednesday, April 23, 2008

McCain/Clinton '08?

The battle for the Democratic presidential nomination has become interminable. There is only one sane conclusion to draw from Hillary Clinton's destructive campaigning; she needs to come out of the Republican closet, already, and run as John McCain's Vice Presidential nominee.

It would be perfect! The rightwing-nut faction of the GOP would have a hissy fit and a total meltdown. Treason! they would shout and sneer.

It makes total sense. He needs a brain and she needs credibility. They'll be off to see the Wizard of Oz, any day now.

They both worship at the Neo-Conservative alter and have no problem with the idea of "obliterating Iran" - her words. Somebody should make a YouTube video with McCain singing "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" to her saying she would OBLITERATE! that entire country. It would be an instant viral hit.

Think of it, all those elderly, uneducated, racist Democrats who love Hillary so much could just follow her home to the party they belong to spiritually. The Democratic party would then be cleansed and a true progressive agenda could be embraced and pushed.

For an entire rundown of why I think a McCain/Clinton ticket could happen, click here.

The image in its original context is at:

Monday, April 21, 2008

On the eve of the Pennsylvania primary...

It's been 15 days since I last posted. Witnessing the ugly devolution of Hillary Clinton's campaign and her desperate Rovian attacks on Barack Obama, I havn't felt like writing a thing. These last two weeks of the Democratic primary race have been painful to watch.

Clinton has proven her un-fitness for office through gutter assaults on Obama, her lying, and in her duplicitousness. Make no mistake reader, she thinks you and I are stupid. Like her kindred spirit, George W. Bush the decider, she actually believes that we, the little people, will believe anything she says because she's a ruler(damn the YouTube footage on loop).

So, who's really the elitist and completely out of touch?

Last week's much anticipated Pennsylvania debate, which I like to call the Trash Tabloid debate, was awful and roundly panned. The first hour of questioning was pathetic. A couple of serious high school debate students would've done better. It's as I've said before many times, ABC's TV News is ridiculous and politically in the bag for Clinton and McCain. Makes sense. They, and much of the rest of the mainstream media, are as out of touch with reality as those two fossilized establishment candidates.

So, who won? Nobody.

And we are now on the eve of the Pennsylvania primary. Tomorrow's results could (mercifully) end the race dead in its tracks. If Hillary Clinton loses by a point, she's toast.

What a blessing that would be.

In other (real)news...

I found this very interesting story at Buzzflash earlier. Paraguay just held an election and former Roman Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo won. He is not a politician and is described by the BBC as being a center-left man of the people.

In what seems to be a spooky reflection of our own race for the White House, Paraguay's "change" candidate beat back his female opponent (a candidate hailing from the stale ruling party) and a former soldier (Crazy Train McCain, anyone?). Onward the Bolivarian Revolution (or WooHoo to little people power)!

This is not good news for the Bush administration and their fellow war criminals who may have hoped to move down there once their time in power has expired. Read this to learn why.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton: What won't she lie about?

Her lustful ambition will lead her to say or do anything. In my mind, that's a national security risk.

Does Bill Clinton have alzheimer's? Says Hillary tried to join the Army

As ABC's Jake Tapper notes, Hillary Clinton once claimed she tried to join the Marines. Now Bill's out there telling people she tried to join the Army. Which is it? Tapper suggests that maybe she inquired with the Army after getting snubbed by the Marines. Who knows? Tho, I highly doubt Hillary was eager to join the military at that time, especially considering her academic background. For her that would have been slumming.

The original story was that in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 1975, Hillary walked into a local Marines recruiting office. The Marine recruiter looked at her, she recalled, and asked how old she was. Twenty-seven, she said."

He looked at me, and in those days that was before I learned how to wear contact lenses," Sen. Clinton told a crowd of women veterans in 1994. "I had these really thick glasses on. He said, ‘How bad's your eyesight?' I said, ‘It's pretty bad.' …Finally said to me, he said, 'You're too old. You can't see. And you're a woman.…But maybe the dogs would take you.'"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The delusional policies of George W. Bush

As much as I loath wasting space on George W. Bush, who is, at this point, the most irrelevant human on earth, I must. He dwells cluelessly in the twilight of his administration while wars in Iraq and Afghanistan rage and calamities abound in this, his homeland. Not only does he dwell cluelessly, he tap dances before the press out of boredom. Considering the gravity of today's litany of crises, he seems delusional. And at the same time, his second in command, Dick Cheney, is doing everything in his diminished power to instigate war with Iran before they slither out of office.

In a sweeping essay, veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern takes all this on and breaks down what may await us if Bush and Cheney are not somehow restrained in their Iranian war ambitions. He wraps it up by saying:

Commenting on Bush’s recent manic behavior, Justin Frank, M.D., author of Bush on the Couch, suggests that Bush is “acting like a kid planning to make a real mess as only he knows how—given his comfort with sadism; his lack of shame or conscience; and his propensity to take delight in breaking things.”

Trouble is that as he tap dances the next few months away, he is systematically destroying the armed forces of the United States, and there does not seem to be anyone with the courage to try to stop him.

Eight months ago, Dr. Frank and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) collaborated on an article we called “Dangers of a Cornered Bush.” Since the president and his imperial court have 10 more months to act out, the scenarios we explored in that memo are still worth pondering.

Let me close with a remark Seymour Hersh made last year, even though it may seem flippant and in no way conveys the enormity of the danger we face in the coming months:
“These guys are scary as can’t use the word ‘delusional,’ for it’s actually a medical term. Wacky. That’s a fair word.”

With so much destructive power at the disposal of George W. Bush, we need to be increasingly alert to signs that additional delusionary policies are about to be executed.