Monday, April 21, 2008

On the eve of the Pennsylvania primary...

It's been 15 days since I last posted. Witnessing the ugly devolution of Hillary Clinton's campaign and her desperate Rovian attacks on Barack Obama, I havn't felt like writing a thing. These last two weeks of the Democratic primary race have been painful to watch.

Clinton has proven her un-fitness for office through gutter assaults on Obama, her lying, and in her duplicitousness. Make no mistake reader, she thinks you and I are stupid. Like her kindred spirit, George W. Bush the decider, she actually believes that we, the little people, will believe anything she says because she's a ruler(damn the YouTube footage on loop).

So, who's really the elitist and completely out of touch?

Last week's much anticipated Pennsylvania debate, which I like to call the Trash Tabloid debate, was awful and roundly panned. The first hour of questioning was pathetic. A couple of serious high school debate students would've done better. It's as I've said before many times, ABC's TV News is ridiculous and politically in the bag for Clinton and McCain. Makes sense. They, and much of the rest of the mainstream media, are as out of touch with reality as those two fossilized establishment candidates.

So, who won? Nobody.

And we are now on the eve of the Pennsylvania primary. Tomorrow's results could (mercifully) end the race dead in its tracks. If Hillary Clinton loses by a point, she's toast.

What a blessing that would be.

In other (real)news...

I found this very interesting story at Buzzflash earlier. Paraguay just held an election and former Roman Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo won. He is not a politician and is described by the BBC as being a center-left man of the people.

In what seems to be a spooky reflection of our own race for the White House, Paraguay's "change" candidate beat back his female opponent (a candidate hailing from the stale ruling party) and a former soldier (Crazy Train McCain, anyone?). Onward the Bolivarian Revolution (or WooHoo to little people power)!

This is not good news for the Bush administration and their fellow war criminals who may have hoped to move down there once their time in power has expired. Read this to learn why.

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