If former Utah governor Jon Huntsman actually does run for the GOP nomination, he's going to have some 'splainin to do with wing nut primary voters. Apparently, as governor he got all Socialist and pulled a RomneyObama on Utah.
Reporter Jason Cherkis at Huffington Post writes, "On March 19, 2008, he signed into law health care reform legislation that included a requirement that the state study 'the costs and benefits associated with (a) different forms of mandates for individual responsibility; and (b) potential enforcement mechanisms for individual responsibility.'"
The funniest part of this whole anti-Obama health care thing is, it was basically a Republican/Heritage Foundation idea to begin with. Even President Dick Nixon wanted universal health care! But then President Barack Obama had to go start pushing it, which turned it into a Commie plot.
None of this historical reality matters, though. In Tea Party land and among "real Amurkans," facts and history are for bitches and whiners.
Huntsman, who was also a former Ambassador to China for the Obama administration, is just way too reasonable and, dare I say, decent for red meat Republican primary voters. To them, reasonable means RINO (Republican In Name Only) and traitor.
The Magic 8-Ball indicates Mr. Huntsman should save his time, money and respectability by letting the losers duke it out for the chance to get their ass whipped by Obama.
Huntsman has served this country well and doesn't need to stain his reputation by running (i.e. saying stupid, dishonest things he doesn't believe in just to win over delusional wing nut voters). He seems better than that.
Here's hoping Huntsman comes to his senses and decides against running, at least until 2016. At that point, he becomes a much stronger, better-known candidate.
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