Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankful this holiday weekend

This has been a very low key Thanksgiving weekend. I've been sick for the last two weeks and am enjoying this downtime from work. Peace and quiet can be the best medicine for whatever ails.

The sky is gray and it's raining. The air outside is chilly. It's a great day to build a fire in the fireplace.

Even though I wasn't able to go to Charleston to spend the holiday with my family, I'm still more than thankful this year for all my blessings. I have a wonderful, healthy family; the best friends anyone could ask for; good health; a good job with benefits; an excellent car; good food to eat; a roof over my head; two crazy cats that are great roommates; and an incoming president who carries with him more promise to become a great president than any other I have ever seen in my lifetime. And God knows, our nation is in great peril and needs a leader who is smart enough, strong enough, and resourceful enough to put us back together again.

On this Thanksgiving, I thank God for the reprieve this nation has been given, in allowing us to elect Barack Obama; I pray for his continued safe keeping; and for our re-emergence as a powerful force for good in this world.

Democracy lives!

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