Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Devil in Dick Cheney

When I served in the U.S. Army (1989-1992), Dick Cheney was the Secretary of Defense. For years, even after leaving the service, I had great respect for him. As a soldier, I thought his leadership during the Gulf War was excellent. At one point around 1994, I began to see him as a possible presidential candidate in the next election.

I also saw him favorably as a person. Back in 1990, while at Ft. Campbell, Ky., a friend of mine who was a Crew Chief told me about his experience flying Secretary Cheney around during one of his trips to Europe. He had nothing but good things to say about it. He described Cheney as being friendly and down-to-earth; and said he talked with all of them alike.

I was amazed. And it bolstered my faith in our leadership.

Fast forward to post 9-11 America...

Something terrible happened between yesteryear and now. Something wicked has had its way with Dick Cheney. This man I once thought to be so honorable and skilled in our nation's defense, is now unrecognizable to me.

Along with others, Cheney used the power of his office to knowingly lie this country into war with Iraq. As if that and other aspects of the occupation (torture, indefinite detention, extraordinary rendition)weren't criminal enough, he continues to agitate for war with Iran.

Despite evidence to the contrary, he still claims Iran is in the process of developing nuclear weapons. It's absurd.

Dick Cheney is either pure evil or downright insane. In either case, he's dangerous and needs to go.

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