Monday, March 3, 2008

Limbaugh hearts Clinton

I don't know who is worse:
Matt Drudge for outting Prince Harry in Afghanistan for a shot of attention
or Rush Limbaugh who is urging his listeners in Texas to vote for Hillary Clinton (to prolong the race).

Limbaugh is a sadistic man. He cares not a bit for this country; only for his own twisted ambition and aims. Division and ratings.

He wants Clinton to be the Democratic nominee because he knows McCain cannot beat Obama. And if Obama is elected, his show will vanish into obscurity.

Yes, Republican strategists are dying for Clinton to be the Democrats' pick. The question is, will Texas and Ohio Democrats do the right thing or fall for the old lines? My gut says they will carry Obama to victory; my head says Clinton could somehow pull off a showing that saves her. For another day, anyway.

I'm going to get a good laugh at Limbaugh's expense if the race winds up being Obama vs. McCain. El Rushbo will be gnashing his teeth.

1 comment:

Jumper said...

This brings back the curious repugnance I had towards Lieberman in '00. McCain-Clinton indeed. Haw.