Today, while reading about Hillary Clinton's big Bosnia-sniper-fire-lie, I was reminded of an experience I had during the Persian Gulf War (probably the spookiest night of the war, for me). It was the night my group flew into Iraq and hit the ground in support of the ground invasion.
Hillary has been quoted multiple times lately in multiple places describing her daring corkscrew landing in Bosnia; and of rapidly disembarking her aircraft (wearing bullet-proof gear) and off the airfield. According to her, when they landed, she was instructed to duck and run off the tarmac due to threat of sniper fire. How scary!
How brave.
Until you see the actual news footage of that event. Peace was at hand. Dignitaries surrounded the first lady and her entourage on the tarmac. A young girl read Mrs. Clinton a poem. Her daughter, Chelsea, was with her as well as comedian Sinbad and singer Sheryl Crow. And no one seemed frightened about sniper fire.
Fast forward to now. Hillary looks straight into the camera, without shame, and lies, just like Condoleeza Rice would. She's repeated this whopper of a story over and over again, now, to unwitting crowds; so this wasn't her misstating something. Her convoluted description of landing in Bosnia is an outright lie. And proof positive that Hillary thinks the American people are stupid.
Hillary, caught in the lie, now claims that she thought she remembered something that did not, in fact, happen.
As a veteran, I can tell you, running off an aircraft and across a tarmac under possible hostile fire is something you do not forget about or confuse with something else. No matter how many countries you've visited.
That night during the war I mentioned earlier was somewhat similar to the story Hillary's been pushing. In Saudi Arabia, my group was crammed into a C-130 and flown to an airfield somewhere in Iraq, under cover of darkness. We didn't pull any corkscrew maneuvers flying in; but when we landed and the bay opened, it was pitch black and someone was directing us to grab our shit quick (not put it on, but drag it) and to run down the flight line and off the airfield.
It was creepy. We didn't know where we were at or who was watching us. We had to assume there was a threat.
And that was real.
That brings me back to Hillary and her bogus Bosnian adventure. Embellishing is one thing, but telling stories like that is despicable. I equate that to losers impersonating war heroes. There's nothing worse.
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