Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Phantom sniper fire should kill Clinton campaign

Hillary Clinton's repeatedly pushing her bogus story of a hot landing in war-torn Bosnia back in the '90s should drop her campaign dead in its tracks. She did not misspeak as she now claims; she straight-up lied.

At Buzzflash, Dave Lindorff writes:

Clinton, in an Iraq policy speech she gave last week aimed at trying to burnish
her claim of 35 years of Washington experience, recalled a 1996 trip to the
war-torn former province of Yugoslavia, where Serbs and Croats had been
butchering each other and especially Muslims. As she told the tale last

"I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia and ... there was a
around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or
dangerous, the president couldn't go, so send the first lady. That's
where we
went. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to
be some kind
of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran
with our heads down
to get into the vehicles to get to our base"

Former New York Times columnist William Safire was right when he called Clinton a congenital liar. It's too bad the mainstream media is too busy endlessly repeating one righteously heated and out-of-context clip of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and chasing lurid stories of governors gone wild to point out Clinton's Nixonian mendacity.


Jumper said...

Actually, inveterate liar, or another word. Congenital means she comes from a family of liars. (Inherited, not from marriage!)

Ro Reynoldson said...

Hey - I was quoting William Safire. Tell it to him! ;)